PenTestIng and Analyses
Hackers can penetrate your organization, manipulate or steal business and customer data through vulnerabilities on the internet, in your information technology systems, applications or mobile devices. No company is “too small” or “too unimportant” for such attacks and many businesses are endangered unknowingly. Do you know the vulnerabilities in your systems and applications that attackers can exploit? Internal and external penetration tests and information technology security and vulnerability analyses can provide these answers.
We examine your information technology infrastructure from the hackers’ points of view. In this process, we simulate a realistic cyber-attack, and identify vulnerabilities in your information technology system through which attackers can gain an advantage. We will specifically test the robustness of your IT systems by our unique take on the DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) test capabilities, using thousands of attack points throughout the world. As a result of these tests and analyses, our expert consultants will suggest appropriate remedies for your organization and assist you in their implementation. Testing and analyses will give you the understanding and remediation guidance to protect your information systems and sensitive data from adversaries, malicious cyber activities, unauthorized access and potential industrial espionage.

We provide consultancy services to our customers in compliance and certification processes of the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) and the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We manage the processes with our solution partners who are experts in their respective fields, having certifications and qualifications such as the Turkish Standards Institution A-Class Penetration Test Certification and the Turkish Digital Transformation Office Information and Communication Security Guide Compliance Audit Service accreditation.
The following consultancy services are provided to our customers:
- ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems Certification
- ISO 27701 Certification
- KVKK Compliance
- ISO 33000 (ISO 15504) – SPICE Certification
- ISO 15408 Common Criteria Certification
- ISO 9001 Certification
- ISO 20000 Certification
- ISO 22301 Certification
- PCI DSS Compliance, Audit and Consulting
- SWIFT CSP Compliance, Audit and Consulting

Cyber StrategIc PlannIng
Having a cybersecurity strategy for your organization is essential to help your company take a proactive approach to security rather than a reactive approach to any threats, which is inevitably time-consuming, risky, and prone to generate unpredictable costs. Whether you have an outdated strategy, or you are starting from scratch, we will be there to establish an effective and strategic cybersecurity plan with you. Through our Cyber Strategic Planning services, which can be considered as a precursor to our other consulting services, all kinds of variables that may pose a threat in your industry will be considered in the equation, and the necessary processes will be defined step by step to quickly bring your organization to the Cybersecurity Maturity level you need. In particular, the most valuable data and processes of your organization will be examined, sensitive points will be determined, the awareness of employees at critical points in terms of cybersecurity will be measured, and your legal responsibilities will be determined together with our experienced legal partners in the field of Cybersecurity. In the light of this information, a budget will be created, and your organization will be ready to join SiberZincir network, becoming a strong link in the chain.

Cyber RIsk AnalysIs and Management
To lay the foundation, we will identify the assets your organization needs to protect and prioritize them. We will start by reviewing your business processes, understanding how revenue is generated by the company, and visualizing the link between your revenue stream, and your critical processes and data. We will generate a Risk Rating by identifying specific external threats in your industry and any potential internal threats to your organization. By considering these sensitive points, we will define Preparedness Plans against unexpected events, and we will increase the mobility of your organization in critical moments many times over.

PurchasIng and Investments
Pouring money on your cybersecurity budget and buying additional cybersecurity applications is not a valid cybersecurity strategy. Unintentionally, additional integrations can even cause ever-growing vulnerabilities. It is difficult to sift through the confusion to understand which services and service providers are trying to panic you just by addressing your fears, which ones are good at marketing, and which ones will solve your problems. However, with a more planned approach, you can get more with your budget, save your resources and use them in areas where they will be put to better use. Since our expert consultants on Cybersecurity Procurement keep track of new technologies and products in our field 24/7, we will help find the best fitting solutions for your organization within your budget. We will provide implementation and decision support in every step you take, such as installation, integration, examination and technical support of solutions that are suitable for your budget.

IncIdent Response
Incident response is a structured methodology to handle cybersecurity incidents, breaches and threats. A well-defined incident response plan helps you effectively identify, minimize, and mitigate the cost of cyber attacks, while finding and fixing vulnerabilities to prevent future attacks.
During a cybersecurity incident, IT departments and personnel are faced with a frenzy of erratic and unpredictable digital activities. In such a hectic environment, they may not be able to follow proper incident response procedures to effectively limit damage. This is important because this type of cybersecurity incident can be a situation of high psychological pressure and your Incident Response team should immediately focus on the critical tasks at hand. In times when it is difficult to think clearly and analyze, taking pre-planned Incident Response actions quickly can help maintain business continuity and reduce the impact of cyber attacks on your systems and reputation. By preparing a comprehensive Incident Response plan under the direction of our consultants, you can help your team respond to the cybersecurity incident in a complete, fast and effective manner.